BBC & Notts Police Chief publicise non-existent “hate crimes” against women whilst ignoring fatal domestic violence against men

If you’ve visited the BBC website any time over the last few months you can’t have missed their blatant campaigning on behalf of feminists in Nottingham to promote the concept of introducing misogyny as a hate crime. Time after time the BBC have producing fawning reports about the schemes, never questioning the concept let alone pointing out the inherent sexism of criminalising misogyny rather than sexism against both men and women.

This week the bias reached new heights with the BBC furiously producing glowing reports about the sexist scheme in in the hope it could be rolled out nationally rather than just restricted to Nottinghamshire as at present.

On Tuesday the Victoria Derbyshire programme featured an in-depth feature promoting this feminist scam. In a “debate”, the BBC required Mike Buchanan to face two feminist campaigners behind the scheme (not to mention  a feminist presenter), making it a 3 on 1 contest, typical BBC “balance” I suppose. The organisation later quoted all those involved in the debate in an article on its website, though somehow forgot to include a single word Buchanan had said and thus not a word of opposition to the scheme really exists on the BBC. Other scams by the BBC to promote their misandrist narrative include non-inclusive interviewing where they only question women as to whether they think misogyny should be a hate crime.

The BBC continued their campaigning in favour of the scheme on Wednesday 21 September, making it the lead feature on the news website for the whole of England with no less than four articles displayed prominently, this is ot the first time the scheme has been promoted in this way. The BBC’s lead story and biggest “success” of this new law was that a taxi driver had dared to offer a women money for oral sex. On TV and online the BBC made a big issue of the figure of 30 incidents reported to police under the new law. Of those, 11 were already covered under existing legislation and the vast majority (19) were nothing more than pathetic women offended by name calling or jokes and thus not even crimes at all (unless you count wasting police time).

At the exact same time time as the above propaganda was the BBC’s lead story for the whole of England, Nottingham was also in the news nationally, this time for a genuine sexist crime and a very serious one at that. The story in question was the trial of Ms Ellishia Allen, who was accused of murdering her partner Karl Bloxham.

Allen had stabbed her partner in the heart becasue he had ended their relationship in what was described as a “frenzied attack”. On the 21st she was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment, with a minimum term of 14 years. As with many such female offenders, it emerged she had committed  violent crimes in the past against both airline staff and even police yet had avoided prison thus suggesting  Bloxham’s death could perhaps have been prevented had his killer faced justice sooner.


Searches for the case on the BBC website reveal just two results, both from 31st July 2015 concerning the police charging Allen with the crime. The first result is a live Nottingham news feed, with just three sentences about the case. The second result is at least an actual article, though it is a mere five sentences long and deeply hidden away on the local Nottingham news section of the BBC website.

There is nothing else about the case anywhere to be found on the BBC website. No coverage of the inquest, no mention of the victim’s funeral and of course not a single word about the trial itself, nevermind the verdict or sentence. Even clicking on the “Nottingham” section of the BBC news website we see that in preference to the crime the BBC chose to focus on stories about nominations for England’s Tree of the year and a Donald Trump urinal (wouldn’t urinating on Hillary Clinton’s image be considered a misogynistic hate crime too?). This is in stark contrast to the local Nottinghamshire press who have covered all stages of the case, and the verdict and sentencing has resulted in articles in at least six national papers/outlets too, and even mentions in publications abroad.

Expanding our search, we then turned our attention to the Twitter feed of BBC Radio Nottingham, an BBC division notorious for their deliberate and sexist sabotage of the election campaign of Justice for Men and Boys last year. Again, there’s no mention of the verdict or the trial anywhere, just a weather forecast and details of a burglary.

This sexist bias against men isn’t limited to the BBC either. Nottinghamshire Police has an active Twitter feed too. On the day of the verdict they tweeted about people’s neighbours growing cannabis and of course about a misogyny conference yet failed to mention the verdict in the trial of by far the biggest and most notable crime in their area.

Examining the Twitter feed of Nottinghamshire Chief Constable Sue Fish we see nine tweets or retweets on he 21st September. An amazing 100% of these concerned the concept of misogyny as a hate crime or this conference. There were three retweets of the Nottingham Women’s Center, a mention of misandirst Mel Jeffs and ironically a retweet of the “End Violence Against Women Coalition”. Any normal and caring police force and Chief Constable surely be proud to have convicted a domestic abuser to a life sentence for such an awful murder and take a serial offender off the streets (albeit belatedly). What better opportunity to raise the issue of the dangers of domestic violence than highlight a fatal case right in Nottinghamshire itself? Yet this perfect opportunity is of course ignored, solely due to the genders of the victim and perpetrator.

The police do at least mention the case on their website, so that still puts them marginally ahead of the BBC, though it’s clear both the chief constable and the staff running the twitter feed are fully committed to ignoring gender based violence against men, even if it means ignoring something as extreme as murder itself.

While there may well be occasional misogyny by random men in Nottinghamshire, there’s now a much bigger sexist hate problem. This is the gender hatred of men by both the BBC and even Nottinghamshire Police. This isn’t mere thoughtless sexism by random individuals in the street, but deliberate sexism by those with massive power and influence and it’s clear the problem is institutional and goes right to the top of the later organisation. Such sexism is now on such a scale that it results in not only sexist implementation of laws on an informal basis (e.g. arresting male victims of abuse), but now even officially orchestrated sexism where crimes against  women are deemed more important than those against men.

The situation is now such that both the BBC and Nottinghamshire Police quite clearly regard non existent crimes such as name calling and jokes aimed at women as of much greater importance than they do the murder of a man by his female partner and as a result they give grater prominence to complete non issues and people who should arguably be charged with wasting police time

If we lived in a less misandrist society without radical feminists dominating the BBC and even running the Police then there surely there would be far less of a gender justice gap and as a result victims of violence such  Mr Bloxham might even still be alive today.


Note: we’ll be asking all those mentioned in this article whey they’ve failed to acknowledge the biggest sexist hate-crime to occur in Nottinghamshire this year and encourage all readers to do likewise. Unlike Notts Police and the BBC we try to be balanced and honest , and we’d would love to publish their explanations.

If readers dont have the time to help with the above then donations are of course welcome too.





6 thoughts on “BBC & Notts Police Chief publicise non-existent “hate crimes” against women whilst ignoring fatal domestic violence against men

  1. Unfortunately this blog is too small to make a difference to the BBC on its own, perhaps reaching out to Breitbart would help. They’re pretty much the only mainstream need organisation willing to actually do honest journalism and challenge the evil liberal/feminazi narrative.

  2. There is in fact no “law” here at all. Notts. Police have simply decided to create a category they apply “administratively”. Just as until the recent Domestic Abuse offence the stats on Domestic Abuse/Violence were in fact of standard offences where some existing or past relationship was recorded administratively. As you point out the results reflect not so much “the Law” as how the Police choose to behave. In this case investigating things which aren’t a crime at all.
    Interestingly the number of arrests and convictions for the offence of Domestic Abuse have been very small which suggests that the recording of Domestic Abuse/Violence in the past and present has been of one off incidents rather than “coercive control” which the offence prosecutes , taking the classical feminist analysis that DV/DA is a pattern of behaviours over time for a purpose, rather than situational (e.g drunken brawl, temper tantrum).
    It is interesting that the Chief Constable in Notts. has so many officers that she can afford to direct them to investigate stuff that isn’t a crime too! I presume She is trying to make a name for herself through all this Conferencing/Publicity.

  3. Pingback: HEqual: BBC and Notts Police Chief Constable Sue Fish publicise non-existent ‘hate crimes’ against women, whilst ignoring fatal domestic violence against men | Justice for Men & Boys

  4. “Men’s rights activists must wake up and realize that the time for trying to counter the hypocrisy with rationality – with essentially male arguments, using facts and truth, in the hope that sense will prevail – is not going to make any difference to the relentless feminist long march on men” -Herbert Purdy ICMI-16

  5. Once upon a time I worked for the bbc – for many years too.
    I should say I never had an influence on programme content or corporate or departmental policy.
    The corporation I joined was not the same as it is now – it has been hi- jacked as part of “the long march through the institutions” by pernicious highly political special interest groups,
    feminist, europhilic, anti Israel, global warmist, Green (which is now just a communist front) and all the rest.
    Infiltrating the media is classic left wing Markist proceedure right out of the handbook, followed by education, the law and whatever else.
    I first knew something was wrong back in the ’90s when the bbc started running ‘bring your daughters to work days…’

  6. I work for Northamptonshire police and the situation is much the same. Despite the fact that Men face more violence in their lives and are more likely to be a victim of violent crime, including Murder; all the internal post we receive, even our computer screen savers, are focused on Women (and ethnic minorities). I don’t think I’ve ever seen a white male portrayed as a victim and neither a Woman nor ethnic minority featured as an aggressor. I attended an I.T. presentation recently that featured a number of photos of Women being attacked by white Men as a depiction of Crime in our society. Not reality, not fair and not equality. I have complained about such bias in the past, but unfortunately, Northamptonshire police, the trade union ‘Unison’ and the Equality and Human rights commission, simply don’t care, they all want to be seen to be supporting Women; their careers depend on it. The voice of one lone male doesn’t compare to the power of the Women’s movement with their MPs, lawyers, journalist, forums, groups, charities and networks in politics, criminal justice, health care, education the media etc.

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